Thursday, February 9, 2012


| Thursday, February 9, 2012 | 0 comments

Apa Itu DigieClub?

DigieClub merupakan website Komunitas + Peluang Usaha Digital dimana dengan bergabung di DigieClub, Anda bisa mendapatkan banyak teman baru, mengupdate status, dan juga mendapatkan peluang usaha digital dengan penghasilan jutaan sampai MILYARAN hanya dengan mengikuti sistem kami yang sudah bisa berjalan dengan sendirinya!

Keanggotaan DigieClub

Ada 2 jenis keanggotaan DigieClub, yaitu :

Member Standard : Bisa melakukan update status (hanya dilihat teman), update mood, menambah teman, mengirim pesan, smiley dan testimonial. Plus mendapatkan penghasilan per klik & afiliasi. Biaya pendaftaran untuk Member Standard GRATIS!

Member Premium : Mendapatkan semua fitur Member Standard. Plus bisa melakukan update status publik (bisa dilihat semua member), penghasilan per klik & afiliasi yang jauh lebih besar, mendapatkan penghasilan dari UsahaDigital, mendapatkan Acccount Premium Connecti.Biz, dan mendapatkan GRATIS Hosting 1GB!

Pertama kali gabung? Atau masih bingung? Berikut yang bisa dilakukan di DigieClub...

     1. Sosialisasi & Dapatkan Teman Baru

     2. Dapatkan Penghasilan Sampai MILYARAN!

Sosialisasi & Dapatkan Teman Baru

Di DigieClub, Anda bisa ber-sosialisasi dengan ribuan member DigieClub dan kemudian dapatkan teman baru! Melalui halaman utama Member Area, Anda bisa melakukan :

     Update status

     Update mood (perasaan) Anda

     Live Chat (untuk member premium

Kemudian Anda bisa klik profil member lain yang melakukan update status, dan Anda bisa :

     Melihat profil, statusnya dan sebagainya
     Menambahkannya sebagai teman Anda
     Mengirimkan pesan untuk member tersebut
     Mengirimkan smiley untuk member tersebut
     Mengirimkan testimonial (komentar) untuk member tersebut

Silakan nikmati fitur-fiturnya... Fitur-fitur juga akan terus kami kembangkan, silakan sampaikan masukan Anda untuk pengembangan fitur dan sebagainya

Dapatkan Penghasilan Sampai MILYARAN!

Dapatkan juga penghasilan sampai MILYARAN di DigieClub! Melalui DigieClub, Anda bisa mendapatkan 3 (tiga) jenis penghasilan :

     Penghasilan Per Klik : Dapatkan sampai Rp 10/klik jika ada yang klik link Anda, jadi setiap klik yang Anda dapatkan tidak sia-sia
     Penghasilan Afiliasi : Dapatkan bonus mencapai MILYARAN hanya dengan mengajak teman Anda bergabung ke DigieClub dan menjadi teman Anda!
     Penghasilan UsahaDigital : Dapatkan penghasilan dari usaha digital yang mencakup produk internet, hosting, paket toko online, website, pulsa, komputer dan game yang bisa Anda jual atau pakai sendiri!

Untuk penghasilan per klik dan afiliasi bisa mulai Anda dapatkan saat ini juga! Sedangkan untuk penghasilan usaha digital hanya bisa didapatkan jika sudah upgrade menjadi Member Premium. Penghasilan per klik dan afiliasi juga akan lebih besar jika upgrade menjadi Member Premium.

Bukti Komisi dari Digie

Kini Anda bisa mendapatkan semua Impian Anda selama ini! Ipad, Iphone, Blackberry, Laptop, Rumah Pribadi sampai dengan CASH MILYARAN dari penghasilan di DigieClub!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Guides and Tips to Car Accident Insurance Claims

| Saturday, July 18, 2009 | 0 comments

Millions of car accidents happen each year in the United States alone. With these accidents come thousands of fatalities and countless injuries.

When you sustained a personal injury or one of your family members died because of a car accident, you may be entitled to some compensation from your insurance company or the insurance company of the person who is at fault for the accident.

Car accidents are traumatic enough for the victims, the physical stress coupled with high emotions and the worry about the future can put one on edge especially if the victim is a breadwinner or someone who contributes a significant amount to the family’s finances.

The complications of claiming car accident insurance might add to the trauma if one does not go about it correctly.

Car insurance companies may look like the friend you really need during times of distress but these companies’ priorities are still themselves so they would look to pay you the least amount possible or nothing at all.

What you can do after a car accident is follow some basic steps if you want to ask compensation from your or the person at fault’s car insurance company.

Here are some steps you can follow when you want to file for a car accident insurance claim:

• File an accident report even if it is just a minor accident.

• Get a copy of the police report.

• Check what kind of protection your car accident insurance provides.

• Make sure that your medical record will be released and presented to the insurance company.

• File a claim for physical injuries through medical coverage.

• If another party was at fault for the accident, file the claim under uninsured motorist coverage.

• Prepare car repair estimates from at least two companies.

• Document all expenses including car towing and storage.

• If you have rental reimbursement coverage then you can ask the insurer to arrange a temporary car for your use.

• If other damages were discovered during repair, you should notify the insurer as well.

An attorney who has experience with negotiating with car accident insurance companies will be very helpful to your cause.

Here are some things that you can do to help speed up and ensure your claim’s success:

• Notify the insurance company about the accident immediately.

• Read your insurance policy so that you are aware of what type of coverage you have.

• Get details of the accident. Include location, road conditions and the weather. Get the car model, color and plate number of the vehicles involved as well.

• Take note of the insurance details of the other people involved.

• Document all expenses and receipts that you accumulated because of the car accident.

• Check if you have other insurance that covers the same accident.

• Consult with a car accident lawyer.

These are just some tips you can follow to ensure the success of your car accident insurance claim.

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